Table d’hôtes du parc Aquacole

Route des Plaines, à 800 m de l'habitation côte sous le vent

97116 Pointe-Noire
Caribbean, Creole


Open Friday and Sunday noon in high season (school vacations), Sunday only the rest of the year. Annual closure from mid-September to the All Saints' Day vacations (please inquire during this period).
Formulas at 25 and 30 €. Children's menu : 12 €. Aperitif offered. Payment by check or cash. No credit card.

Reservation strongly advised at 0590.98.11.83 or by mail via our contact form.

Our Table d'hôte Guadeloupe is located on the enchanting site of the Pointe Noire aquaculture park. In this bucolic setting, you can taste the products of our farms. Our table d'hôtes is in line with our activities: produce locally for local consumption, use fresh products, favor the choice of local products (when possible) and short circuits.

You will find in your plate the ouassous "king of the springs" and the famous Caribbean wolfish (ombrine ocellée). The table d'hôte of the aquaculture park is the only place where you can eat fresh ouassous produced in Guadeloupe. Indeed, the restaurant owners of the island do not offer these products in their menus. On the one hand, the price, linked to the costs, is considered too high, on the other hand the production is too low to satisfy the demand of the restaurant owners.

So if you want to taste the ouassous of Guadeloupe you have no choice: come and taste fresh products at our table d'hôtes. All our customers are unanimous...our ouassous surpasses anything they have tasted elsewhere!

Snack: Wednesday noon & Sunday noon during the annual closure of the table d'hôtes. A simpler formula adapted to children: Fish and Chips formula, portions of small fried ouassous, tartar of wolves...

restaurant table-dhotes-du-parc-aquacole image


  • Restaurant (à la carte)

Average price per person 25

Information and bookings:


  • Opening time:
    • Midday: 12:00 - 14:00
    • Evening: 14:00 - 14:30
  • Closing:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday dinner
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday dinner
  • Spoken languages:French, Creole, English
  • Foods:Caribbean, Creole

Restaurant location

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