Proposé par Guadeloupe Passion Caraïbes
Route de Batavia,

97141 Vieux-Fort


Come live unforgettable moments, vibrate all the members of your body during which you can tell the history of the remains and historical monuments, discover the fauna and flora of Guadeloupe, make shots, and for hikes with streams you indulge in swimming.

Routes are proposed in Grande Terre:

La Mangrove de casse moustache et la pointe d’Antigue à Port Louis,
Le sentier de Deville Maisoncelle à Petit Canal,
Sentier Anse à la Gourde-Pointe des Châteaux.
Possibility of carpooling with vehicle positioning
Littoral Saint-Félix,
Littoral Petit-Havre-Anse-à-Saint à GOSIER,
La trace du prince à Sainte Anne,

Routes are proposed in Basse Terre too :

Sentier de la Grande Pointe Trois Rivières
Saut de Bras de Fort Goyave
Randonnée de la Rivière Paradis Vallée de la Grande Rivière Vieux Habitants
Sentiers du Houëlmont à Gourbeyre
Sentier des Monts Caraïbes Option boucle du Houëlmont – Tour du Houëlmont à Gourbeyre
Sentier du littoral de Vieux Fort
Bassin Bleu et As de Pique à Palmiste Gourbeyre
Canal Le Pelletier et Cascade du Galion, à Saint-Claude

The hikes are open to families with children, couples, seniors

The hikes presented have difficulty levels from 1 to 3. Only 2 hikes are level 4 and 5 . They are operated by accompanying guides who hold the DE or the State certificate of accompanying mountain guides.

Rates € 30: per person

For more information on the duration of each hike, the equipment to have, please contact us on 06 90 56 53 53


Monday 08:00-17:00
Tuesday 08:00-17:00
Wednesday dinner 08:00-17:00
Thursday 08:00-17:00
Friday 08:00-17:00
Saturday No activity
Sunday No activity

Contact Information

Guadeloupe Passion Caraïbes

Route de Batavia,

+590 690 376 161

Useful information

  • Participants :

    Not suitable for children younger than 5 years

  • Activity duration:


  • Spoken languages:French, Creole, English